Be Informed….. Doric Surveyors provide a comprehensive advisory service covering a range of property disciplines including:
Lease Renewals & Rent Reviews…… Prompt determination of an up and coming lease renewal or rent review sadly does not always occur. For landlords settling a lease renewal or rent review serves to protect and may improve upon a property investment whilst forming part of a good estate management strategy. For tenants lease uncertainty, occupational cost management and flexibility are of ongoing commercial concern. The property market is not static, rents and lease terms can vary significantly. The availability and interpretation of relevant transactional market evidence in a timely manner can provide a significant advantage. The renewal & review process is most effectively applied through best practice. The advice we provide is full and pragmatic ensuring that our clients are informed of all the available options and the risks associated with a particular course of action.
‘Entry’ & ‘Exit’ Property Condition Reports….. For both the landlord and the tenant documenting the condition of a property at the start of a lease serves to remove any uncertainty that could be disputed at the end. On entering into a lease a condition report known as a ‘Schedule of Condition’ is typically drafted and agreed. At any time throughout the lease issues of outstanding repair and maintenance may arise. Whether you are the landlord or tenant we can outline your position and liabilities by providing a Periodic Condition Report. On exiting the lease the repairing lease obligations can be outlined by the landlord through a report known as a ‘Schedule of Dilapidations’. This report sets out items of repair relative to the lease and also the works required to return the property back into repair. We provide both ‘Interim’ and ‘Terminal Schedules of Dilapidations’ reports and act for both landlords and tenants to settle claims for physical property damage adhering to the Dilapidations Protocol.
Disputes…..Property matters typically involve a number of parties or unresolved issues that can result in a dispute arising. We have the experience and understanding to advise on your position and provide a recommended course of action acting on your behalf to settle the dispute. Not all disputes are resolvable without being referred to a third party or Court. We can assist adhering to the necessary protocols and compliance including the RICS PACT Scheme and the preparation of Expert Witness Submissions.